God Take it Away! But I Want it Back.

God Take it Away! But I Want it Back.

What did you ask God to take away last year? Was it a relationship, a bad habit, a mindset? Well i'm here to tell you that I did too and guess what? I failed miserably! The very thing that was hurting me and invading my emotional space, I found that I longed for in its absence. So, I have  a new approach. Instead of asking God to take away the person, place, thing, or habit, ask him to reveal the need that the "thing" is filling. 

This will require some alone time, with God. Where you can think clearly and express your desires to the universe. I believe that during this Worldwide Pandemic, we are being taught to live from within. Sometimes we have to stop praying, SHUT UP, and LISTEN to what the universe is trying to call our attention to. 

So Instead of asking God to take something away, because, you know you are going right back to get it, ask God to bring you into awareness of what need is being filled. Then once you get that revelation, allow the universe to fill you up where you are empty.( And yes, there will be work to do) Then whatever you keep going back to will take it's proper place in your life or make its way out of your life. 


In Love,








1 Comment

  • Wow, God had me to come across this strong msge to get my attention and this is something I’ve been dealing with for awhile now…Lord I thNk you for wisdom of understanding… Bri keep allowing God to use u as HIS vessel bcuz we (I) never know whose going through!! God bless you abundantly in Jesus name

    Carol White

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