Actually, Fashion IS Self-Care

Actually, Fashion IS Self-Care

You may not have realized it, but fashion is self-care. How we dress and present ourselves to the world is important. The clothes that we wear, and the way that we see ourselves impacts our mood and health. Even the American Psychological Association (APA) has stated, “The clothes we put on everyday tell a story about who we are to the world and can have a major impact on our emotions and mood.”

Style and fashion have played a significant role in individual and social cultures. It turns out, “when you look good, you feel good” is more than just a phrase, but a supported research theory. According to research, “It has been evident through the studies that the mood has an inborn reflex with respect to the dressing preferences and fashion. Other factors related to the clothing for [example] emotions, situations, education of a person, design, print, quality of fabric, color can influence mood.” Studies on fashion date back as far as 1929 and have always observed fashion as a reflection of personal expression and mood.

The APA has also discussed the impact fashion could have on mental health in this interview with fashion expert Carolyn Mair, the author of The Psychology of Fashion. When asked what does or how does what we put on our bodies every day influence our mental health?  Mair responded, “Well, it’s stressful for us if we don’t feel comfortable in what we’re wearing. If we’re really worrying that it’s appropriate or it’s suitable, or we don’t feel confident in what we’re wearing. It stresses us, and this means that we don’t have the cognitive capacity to deal with the problem at hand.” In other words, when you don’t love what you wear, it is literally counterproductive!

So, how you feel about what you wear is important! When you do things for your body, it helps elevate your mood and strengthens your confidence. And you should feel your absolute best!  Fashion is a healthy way of self-expression and we hope you see how it is an essential part of self-care. And, of course, let’s not forget that self-care incorporates a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating and exercise, which is the foundation for achieving the fit you want in any look. 

Your self-care is about doing things for yourself that make you feel great. So go for a walk, cook yourself dinner, and put on that outfit that makes you feel stunning. You deserve it, and it's healthy for you. :)


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