No Resolutions, Only Results:  5 Goal Commitments for 2022

No Resolutions, Only Results: 5 Goal Commitments for 2022

 At the end of the year, it’s common to think about all of the challenges and accomplishments we had. The winter holidays get us in the spirit of gift-giving and reflecting. This season closes out one part of the year and gets us ready for the next. At the same time of this reflection we also start thinking about the future, but let’s not wait: Check out, these five ways you can kickstart the first six months of 2022.


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

1. Goodbye New Year’s Resolutions, Hello Only Results

So you want to work on your personal and professional development for the New Year? Now, let’s not get this wrong, having time-based goals is absolutely one of the most important and popular ways of getting started, but just how often are we waiting until a certain time to start over? Shake the urge to wait to start. Start now. No more “I’ll start on Monday.” No more “I’ll wait until...” If it’s worth doing, then it’s worth getting started now.


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

2. Commit to Change your Life—Forreal

You know which commitment make—yes, you have an idea of one that will lead you where you want to be. Maybe you need practice having a difficult conversation with a loved one or colleague or maybe you’re finally considering getting involved in an interest group that helps you improve and deepen your passions or hobbies. You even have a vision of what your success looks like, it’s now time to find the path that suits you, and MAKE. IT. HAPPEN.


Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

3. Hope is Not A Strategy, Being an Action Taker is

Now, we are not saying to go lack hope and or faith in yourself, but we are saying that hope is bound to turn to become nothing but idle thought without some plan of action behind it. Accomplishing goals requires having a strategy, plan, or method to make stuff happen. Our results come from all of our decisions and actions.



Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

4. Create a Sustainable Plan

Got a goal to read 10 books in one year? Start with finishing the first book...or the first chapter. Or the first page. Get it? Find a rhythm and style that works for you. You are more likely to stick to a plan and accomplish goals if you follow a plan that you find suitable for you.  Honor your unique needs: often the best and most sustainable plan is simply the one that works for you.


Photo by Jeremy Dorrough on Unsplash


5. Strive for Your Destination, But Enjoy the Ways of Journeys

Start your journey with the right attitude—now! Even the best planners and most well-prepared face unexpected challenges, changes, and results. Unexpected circumstances are inevitable and it's important to accept that this is something that happens in every aspect of life: career, finances, relationships—you name it. In changing circumstances, a flexible and open attitude can make it easier for the purpose of your experiences to become clear and, hopefully, helpful.


If you have a new year's resolution plan right now, we want you to scratch it and rename it your Present Plans. Get it out of your head and on paper if you have to, and use these five fresh perspectives to accomplish your life goals. Make the most of 2022. Get out of waiting to start. Yes, make plans and try to ensure they're getting you to your destination, but remember not to become swayed if things change or don't go as planned! Believe in your journey and that, ultimately, you will end up exactly where you need to be!


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