15 Ways to Become and Stay Confident

15 Ways to Become and Stay Confident

Meditation, saying daily affirmations, and focusing on your self-care can really play a big role in developing your confidence. In our recent post we’ve already talked about how fashion is self-care too, but with so challenging topics being discussed surrounding our mental health and well-being today. This time we are talking about confidence.

Being self-confident is not only invigorating, but it positively impacts and propels our character. Confidence is both a feeling and a practice for oneself. We have compiled a list of 15 ways you can start developing your self-confidence.


  1. Meditating
    Meditation is a mental exercise such as concentrating on one’s breathe or repeating a mantra for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of awareness. Meditation gives us a chance to observe and reflect on our inner chatter without judgment.
  2. Affirmations
    Daily affirmations are simple, positive declarative statements. Start with saying a daily affirmation such as, “I believe in myself. I exude confidence.” Adopting the process of saying daily affirmations can have a profound effect on your conscious and unconscious mind.

  3. Keeping a Tidy Space
    Did you know that keeping a tidy space also makes you feel more confident? When we clean our space by making up our beds and clearing the rooms of clutter, we allow ourselves physical and mental room to be more productive. A clean space makes it easier for us to be focused and make decisions.
  1. Self-Care (Fashion, Hair Care)
    Start with you! It’s so important to take good care of yourself! A self-care ritual is a must, not an option. Do your hair, put on an unstoppable outfit and take a picture. When you would have normally worn flats, wear your heels and show off your legs.  Find your favorite blinged out necklace or bracelet for the finishing touch. Doing things that make you feel good is undeniably top-notch self-care!
  1. Developing a Routine
    Build confidence with a routine. Routines are the cornerstones of good habits. Developing a routine for yourself gives each day direction and clarity. Your routines are the building blocks for all the good habits you want and need to create and sustain lifestyle you desire.

  2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle
    A healthy lifestyle will make you feel good. Physical exercise and healthy eating directly contribute to your physical and mental wellness. While it may seem indirect, intentionally choosing a healthy lifestyle that aligns with the results you want strengthens your belief in yourself to make and sustain positive changes!

  3. Be Optimistic
    Some of the most successful people talk about visualizing their success before accomplishing it. Make use of the power and wonder of the human mind to envision the outcomes you desire. Actively visualizing ourselves acting, speaking, and behaving confidently can immediately motivate and influence our actions.

  4. Trying New Things
    Embracing a curious mindset sets us on a strong foundation for life-long growth. When we adopt the mindset of curiosity we open ourselves up to new possibility. Becoming comfortable with new experiences prepares us for unfamiliarity, which is necessary for developing confidence.
  1. Embracing Challenges
    Challenges help us grow. When we encourage ourselves to become familiar with exploring the unfamiliar, we are actively teaching ourselves how to foster confidence into new and unfamiliar circumstances. Again, confidence is both a feeling and a practice.

  2. Get a Hobby
    It is one thing to learn the fundamentals of a skill, but in seeking to master something we naturally must take the path that develops self-confidence. Although you do not need to become a master to be confident at something, it certainly does help. Mastering just one skill is enough to begin developing confidence.

  3. Doing Things That Bring You Joy
    As simple as it sounds, remembering to do things that bring yourself joy fosters self-confidence by keeping you in touch with who you are. The tasks that we find joyous are most often the easiest tasks to complete. Building your confidence can be as simple as being joyous, too.

  4. Cultivating (or Finding) a Passion or Hobby
    Though similar to mastering a skill, specifically cultivating a skill or hobby can be really beneficial in building your confidence. Perhaps you no longer, or never had, strong passions about a skill or hobby. It may be time to find a new one. Exploring and cultivating passions and hobbies are other ways to foster confidence.

  5. Let Go of Self-Doubt
    Let go of all of the self-limiting beliefs. “I can’t.” “I’m not able.” “What if?” Let go of all language, techniques, habits, even people that are limiting you. If you hold on to these limitations, there is no room for growth, for joy, or for hope. Let. It. Go.

  6. Let Go of the Past
    However, when we hold on to mistakes we’ve made we prevent ourselves from learning from them, and keep ourselves from growing. Perhaps you tried something before, but it didn’t work out. Maybe you have a failure (or two, or three) under you, but what is that doing for you now? Mistakes are meant to be learned from. The confidence of someone who is comfortable with learning from a mistake is undeniable.

  7. Sharing Your Gifts
    The biggest and most important step to developing your confidence is to take a step outside of your comfort zone to share your gifts with the world. Perhaps this will start with a trusted friend or family member, but this step is the most important. Sharing your gifts is simultaneously the starting stage and final result of cultivating confidence.

Confidence is an essential element in every aspect of our lives. When we are confident in ourselves, we not only feel good about ourselves, we make other people feel good about themselves, too. Use and refer to this list to develop, reclaim, and strengthen your self-confidence—this essential part of yourself. 

1 Comment

  • Thank You Queens for sharing these very precious steps that’s basically aide in “Self Love” …… Ase’


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